“Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.”Mother Teresa When you’re going through recovery it can be tempting to want to put your best foot forward and hide the ugly as you try to repair relationships and rebuild your...
Are You Listening?
Many relationship problems are rooted in a communication breakdown. These can be as simple as not hearing what the other person is saying, because we get caught up in our own perspectives. Sumesh Nair A common complaint between couples is that they don’t feel...
What is Love?
“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” Thomas Merton What is love? We like to think that a great love is the place...
You, Not Them
Being with someone over a significant period of time shapes you in ways that you often can’t see. There are always things to learn, especially about who you are and how you give and receive love. Love can often become confusing in relationships...
How Are You Feeling?
When you’re having an emotion, sometimes it’s really hard to figure out which emotion it is. So we wanted to give you some ideas with this graphic. Many times, just giving an emotion the right name is enough to release it. It’s important to remember that there are no...
Love on Purpose
“Living with intention means saying no to the things thataren’t important to us so that we can say yes to what matters most.” When it comes to love, being intentional is often overlooked. We usually focus on is the passionate and emotional side, yet being...
Be a Relationship Superhero
“It’s not an accidental entanglement; it’s an intentional knot.Love belongs with belonging.”Brene Brown Falling in love is different than staying in love. Falling in love happens, but staying in love is intentional. It requires you to go above and beyond your natural...
All About Opioid Use Disorder
There’s been a lot of talk about the opioid crises in the news and media lately, and it’s not just hype. Opioids are currently the number one drug causing overdose deaths in the US, with 2.1 million people addicted, and 47,600 opioid overdose deaths in 2017 alone. But...
What to Expect When Going Through Withdrawal
When you’re thinking about quitting drugs or alcohol, the thought of withdrawal can be daunting. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare for what you’re about to go through, and give you the tools to make an action plan. To help you stick to your plan, it’s...
Do I Have a Drinking Problem?
There’s nothing inherently wrong with alcohol, in and of itself. Unfortunately, many things can undermine your ability to moderate how much you drink, which can plunge you into a drinking problem, or alcohol use disorder. It’s not necessarily obvious or terrible at...