We all know being kind is an awesome thing to do, but did you know that it also benefits your brain, along with the rest of your body. No really, it's backed by science. Being friendly can enhance the immune system, slow down aging, increase self-esteem and lower...
A Triumph Journal
When you’re making major changes, executing new plans, and chasing your dreams, it’s really easy to end the day feeling frustrated and discouraged about what you didn’t get accomplished. And when you’re looking at your life from a perspective of failure,...
3 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Relationship
“If you need something from somebody always give that person a way to hand it to you.” ― Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees When talking about positive affirmations in relationships, I think it's important to learn how to communicate all this...
Mastering Body Language
Never ask a woman if you may kiss her.Instead, learn to read body language.Neil Strauss Whether they're shy, playing it cool, or just afraid of scaring you off, a person isn't always going to tell you how they're feeling or if they're interested. Knowing...
The Formula For a Good Relationship – According to Science
“They may forget what you said, but they willnever forget how you made them feel.”— Carl W. Buechner Being in a committed relationship is no small accomplishment. We've all heard statistics about the divorce rate that make it sound like we're bad...