Take Control of Your Sobriety Journey
Learn Skills.
Stay Motivated.
Succeed Long Term.
👉 This is how our free emails help you with sobriety
1. You’ll learn real world skills that teach you how to get and stay sober
2. You’ll hear the BEST tips from people who’ve been there
3. You’ll stay motivated with daily inspiration
And it’s 100% free.
Hi Hello,
My name is Taylor, 29 years old, 15 months clean and sober for the first time in 6 years of addiction. I recently found you guys via instagram and now receive daily e-mails. I just wanted to tell you, all of you behind SoberBuddy a huge thank you! I love the support challenges y’all send everyday. Thank you so much- It’s SO HELPFUL and I can’t adequately express my appreciation. Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for the future.
Join Over 150,000+ People
Who have used SoberBuddy to get and stay SoberWant to track your progress?
- Feel the satisfaction of a confetti burst when you check in sober
- Learn skills for your personal stage of recovery with responsive in-app challenges
- Get motivation and encouragement from Buddy when you check-in with how you’re feeling
Okay thank you so much for the app. 24 days sober and STILL GOING strong. There’s is nothing better than logging in and clicking the YES button when I am asked the question: “Have you stayed sober since XX date?” I literally cannot wait to do that every day and see the days counter go up!!